Thursday, November 20, 2008

What is the affect of it all?

The effect of genocide is epic! Even though the issues are not preached about in the news everyday, the problem is significant. In 2004 Booker and his colleagues noted the genocide in Darfur as the "worst humanitarian crisis to be going on in the world." (1) If this was said in 2004, and no big changes have been made to end the crisis, imagine what people would say now after the issue has had almost five years to grow.

Over a million people in Darfur were displaced in 2004, as a result of Janjaweed forces destroying villages, crops, and livestock. A rough "188,000 people seeked refuge in neighboring Chad" (Depoortere et al 1).

Booker, Salith, and Ann-Louise Colgan. “Genocide in Darfur.” The Nation. 24 June 2004. 3 Nov
2008. <>.

Depoortere, Evelyn, et al. "Violence and mortality in West Darfur, Sudan (2003-04):
epidemiological evidence from four surveys." Lancet 364.9442 (09 Oct. 2004): 1315-
1320. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. [Library name], [City], [State abbreviation].
11 Nov. 2008 .

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